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Aftercare Instructions

Following your treatment, following the below instructions will encourage the best results!

Lip and Dermal Filler Aftercare

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Following lip/dermal fillers you may initially be swollen, red and bruised which will subside within the next 14 days, especially if the bruising is extensive.


  • Do not touch the area for 6 hours.

  • Do not apply make up for 12 hours 

  • Avoid exposure to UV, extreme heat i.e. sauna, steam rooms, sun beds etc. as this may increase discomfort and swelling.

  • Avoid extreme cold; but applying a cool compress to the area immediately following treatment can reduce discomfort and swelling.

  • Arnica tablets/gel can be used to help reduce bruising or the application of vitamin k oxide cream.

  • Due to numbing, please do not consume any hot or cold drinks, and be careful with eating, until your sensation has returned to normal.

  • If you experience any lumpiness in the implantation area it can be gently massaged to help smooth this out.

  • You should also avoid any facial massages or skin resurfacing until the area has healed fully.

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Anti-Wrinkle Injections Aftercare

Mild redness and tenderness of the injection sites for 24-48h are normal.


  • Patients should remain upright for approximately four hours in order to avoid diffusion into untreated areas of the face

  • Avoid washing their hair on the day of treatment.

  • Exercise and hot saunas or showers should also be avoided for the day.

  • Massage of the area should be avoided at all times.

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